A lot of my educated friends from other side of the political spectrum have started dissing a freedom fighter taking cue from their leader Rahul Gandhi. This mindless vilification of a man who spent his life in service of nation makes me furious! This thread is to urge all of you to read about Veer (...)
If a kid sees a massacre, what does he do? He cries, he is angry, he gets sad, he is scared, but more importantly, he is scarred. That is what happened with Udham. He had just witnessed Jalianwala Bagh massacre. 1605 rounds were fired that day. As he grew up, he realised what was going on (...)
Editor’s Note: I consider myself a new age rebel. No matter how fashionable or modern I become, I shall be an eternal patriot. This often leaves me in conflicting places where I am accused of being patriotic only on 15th August or 26th January. I look at it a bit differently. You are always thankful (...)
It was February 1906. A grand exhibition had been arranged at Medinipur in Bengal. The intention was to hide the injustice of the Britishers ruling India. On exhibition were articles like pictures and puppets which could create the impression that the British rulers, though foreigners, were doing much to help the people of India. This (...)
I have not written since last 1 month and I was not even planning to write in near future… Little did I know then that I would be forced to write today… The trip to 89, Vijyant Enclave, Sec-29, Noida was spent contemplating the course of action which had to be taken after reaching. It (...)